Monday, 30 November 2015

First Week Growth Condition (21/9- 27/9)

After 3 days of growing, seed start to germinate from the soil . The plantlets with two cotyledon growth. But since there are too many seedlings was germinates, some of them was removed and the remaining seedlings in both pot A and B were keep observing on their growth condition.

21/9/2015 (Monday)
Seed start to germinate

 23/9/2015 (Wednesday):
More of the seeds germinate and the cotyledons were growth

                                    Plantlets in pot A                           Plantlets in Pot B

Some of the seedlings was removed.

 Pot A (Right) abd Pot B (Left)

Cotyledon is going to come out from the seed coat: The seed coat become dry and brownish in colour.

24/9/2015 (Thursday)

                             Pot A                                              

                               Pot B

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