Monday, 30 November 2015

Second Week Growth Condition (28/9 - 4/10)

After one week, the lady's finger growing taller, we removed all the seedlings and remain only one of the seedling which has better growth. Each in pot A and Pot B. The first true leaf was emerged from both seedlings. The height for lady's finger plantlets in pot A and B were 5 cm and 7 cm respectively.

28/10/2015 (Monday)

Pot A
The seedlings growth taller.

Selection of only one seedlings which has better growth
First true leaf is emerging.

Pot B
More seedlings germinate and growing taller.

Selection of one seedlings that has better growth in pot B.

29/9/2015 (Tuesday)
Both of the seedlings in pot A and pot B bent toward sunlight.

Pot A:

Pot B:

30/9/2015 (Wednesday)
The lady's finger plantlets start growing straightly after expose it under sunlight. Second leaf start emerging and the first true leaf become larger.

                             Pot A:                                             Pot B:

1/10/2015 (Thursday)
It was a rainy day, the plantlets cannot withstand stably under the rain So we add more soil to hold the stem and make the plantlets stand stably.

                             Pot A:                                            Pot B:

3/10/2015 (Saturday)
First leaf and second leaf in both pots increase in their size.

Pot A (Right) and Pot B (Left)

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