Tuesday, 1 December 2015

Fifth Week Growth Condition (19/10- 25/10)

In fifth week, both of the plants growth taller  (25cm) and the size of the leaf increase. In this week, the second leaf in both plants wilted and the colour of third leaf start change into yellowish colour and present of black dots on the leaf surface and eventually dead and fall.  The seventh (19/10) and eighth (22/10) leaf start emerging in both of the plants. Normally the flower buds will appear in the axil of each leaf beginning above the six to eight leaf stage. So we can see the  flower bud start emerging at the leaf axil where it near the center of the shoot.

19/10/2015 (Monday)
In both of the pot, the second leaf was dead 
New leaf start (7th leaf) emerging in both plants

Pot A: Second leaf dead (dead leaf is not shown in the picture) and the second cotyledon dead (Right). 7 seventh leaf emerged.

Pot B: Second leaf dead and fall. Seventh leaf emerged.

20/10/2015 (Tuesday)
In both of the pots, the third leaf in plant A and B start change into yellowish green colour and forming a lot of black dot on the forth leaf surface.

Pot A (Right) and Pot B (Left)

22/10/2015 (Thursday)
The third leaf in pot B fall. The Eighth leaf emerged.

     Pot A (Left) and Pot B (Right)

23/10/2015 (Friday)
Third leaf in Pot A change into yellowish green colour.

                        Pot A (Right) and Pot B (Left)                                      Pot A : Third leaf

Forming of flower bud in the middle of the shoot.

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