Tuesday, 1 December 2015

Ninth Week Growth Condition (16/11-22/11)

In ninth week, we found that the plants become unhealthier compare to before. this may due to lack of care (watering , fertilizing) during the mid sem break. The growth of the plant was start record in 18/11/2015 since raining days in Monday and Tuesday . The height of the plants was 42 cm for each plant. New leaves was growth from the axillary buds.

18/11/2015 (Wednesday)

Pot A:
The plant look unhealthy with dull green colour of leaves, thin stem. Many young leaves are growing from the axillary buds. Some of the flower bud wilt(become dry and brown in colour) and some buds grow nicely.

 Flower buds and new young leaf.

Flower buds (dead: brown; alive: green)

Pot B:
The colour of leaf become dull and shrink in size. the leaves have been eaten by the pest. The new flower buds was growth out again from the plant. Many leaves growth from the axillary bud.


Flower buds
Leaves grow out from axillary buds

20/11/2015 (Friday)

Pot B:
There are more flower buds are grow out.

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